Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday Technology, What I have figured out about RSS and XML

In typepad, my problems of XML feeds were solved by the simple ticking off the the "syndicate" menu item found under "design" tab for my blog. There if a subcriber signs up, they are able to select (Yahoo, Google) the feed reader that they want. I won't tell you how many other things I tried.

See the thing is, this was set up before, so I don't know how it got unset. I am assuming that I must have unticked this not knowing what this was. Otherwise my Feedburner smart read settings overwrote this, which is probably impossible. Who knows though, all these widgets are controlled by outside programs.

Alright, so blogger, you need to be a feedburner (free service that you just need to register to use) user (or be more talented at HTML code than I am). Feedburner is free and a pretty handy service. So I set this blog up there (even then my other Typepad accounts are there, and I have the horrors of certain people linking the two), and in the "Publicise" (sp I know) under "chicklets" that is where you can set up the subscription for readers. Really way easier than annoying e-mail or yet another annoying service that you need to log into. For instance, I use Yahoo, and so now all the blogs that have this set up, I can now see anything new posted on My Yahoo.
Another Blogger vs Typepad problem. On typepad, when you are editing one post, there is a menu option to go to the next. For instance, I was updating my posts with advertising for my dog business, and I could just go one by one and subject matter that I had already determined would be discussed in the future.
On Blogger, you can have a footer which will automatically log certain keywords (like look up family estrangement and you will get this blog on most blog search engines) in the blog, even though your audience won't see them (have not determined a way to do this through typepad yet).

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