Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lyrics -Alanis Hand in My Pocket

I have been amazingly bad in actually listening to words to songs. So I have been doing this exercise in trying to duplicate the lyrics that I am hearing. Later on, I will go back and see what words that I may have missed. These are all songs that relate to me and my (sorry for those of you aggrieved by your estrangements) wonderful estrangements. I love my estrangements. I kiss my screen for finally making such good decisions years ago. I really could give a flying fart about what people who don't even know me think about it LOL.

I would tell the bible thumpers, the college people that took a psych course, to play this sound track when they take a suggest long walk off a short pier!! And while you are at it, ask yourself why do all my friends exist only on the internet? LOLOL. Or maybe why none of your three marriages lasted? Or pehaps if your estrangers made some stellar decisions in their lives as I did?!

I'm broke but I'm happy

I'm poor but I'm kind

I'm short but I'm healthy yeah

I'm high but I'm grounded

I'm sane but I'm overwhelmed

I'm lost but I'm hopeful baby

And what it all comes down to

Is that everything is going to be fine fine fine

Because I have one hand in my pocket

And the other one is giving a high five

I feel drunk but I am sober

I'm young but I'm underpaid

I'm tired but I'm working

I care but I'm restless

I'm here but I'm really gone

I'm wrong and I'm sorry baby

And what it all comes down to

Is that everything is going to be quite alright

Because I've got one hand in my pocket and the other one's flicking a cigarette

What it all comes down to

Is that I haven't got it all figured out just yet

Because I have one hand in my pocket and the other one is giving a peace sign

I'm free but I am focused

I'm green but I'm wise

I'm hard but I'm friendly

I'm sad but I'm laughing

I'm brave but I'm chickenshit

I'm sick but I'm pretty baby

And what it all boils down to

Is that noones really got it figured out just yet

But I've got one hand in my pocket

And the other ones playing a piano

What it all comes down to my friends

Is that everything is just fine fine fine

Because I got one hand in my pocket

And the other one is hailing a taxi cab

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