Monday, January 08, 2007

Today's words=crabby, crampy & cross

Ugh, a train hit me yesterday. It's been a little too beautiful out here recently, and I have gotten way carried away. I spent about three hours on the beach with dogs yesterday with wet pants and shoes. The biggest mistake, I think, that I made was sitting still too long with Jacky. I wanted to get him used to people, which was successful, but in the process caught a bit of a chill when I got home.

I spent the rest of the day huddled under blankets with my three dogs stuffed all around me for warmth. Jack took care of my tootsies thankfully. He's good like that. And Leon allows me to stuff my cold hands under his puppy arm pits. Jazz lies faithfully by my head looking after me.

Any way, felt (and still feel) completely sick after feeling so good yesterday before the chill hit. It's the humility of getting older and not being able to physical cope or not wanting to tuff it out anymore. So today I am all sore and cross. And yeah, it ends up being that time of the month too. Oh goody, that always feels great, so let's add cramps in already. Early menopause would be a welcomed thing for me by the way. I never wanted those monthly things anyway, knowing somehow as a child that I wouldn't have children. I didn't understand why they just couldn't be called off accordingly. For something so natural, it just seems unnatural doesn't it.

Now, if I could have puppies as cute as my dogs, I would be spitting them out whole heartedly. Oh well, I guess I was just not born with either the kid or cooking gene.

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