Sunday, April 22, 2007


Okay, I have done the angry poem thing, so I won't repeat it on Mother's Day. For me though, this holiday is the perfect day to dig deep into myself for something estrangement related. Perhaps beach sand writing greetings to my excellent loving living grandmonster, egg donor and ba step monster? Beach rock formations of my inner turmoil? Hmmm, dog turd sculpture? Hellium balloons to the wind with special messages (would be especially interesting as the monsters summer house is just one street over. what if one should, er, blow over into her yard?).

Course this isn't to moms out there in general!! Just to the special women here on earth that remain in my universe that have that, errrr, bond with me. Be it a negative bond.

I have never celebrated mother's or father's day, as I should have uniquely celebrated it. Ah, yes, then in June comes Sperm Donor (ie father's day) Day.

Sorry for the angst there, but that is what this blog is for after all LOL.

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