Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday Movie Review Marie Antoinette

I don't know, I kind of like this movie, and yet was bored all at the same time. If you are one like me that does other things when they get bored, and turn your ear to the tv, you will find there is very little dialogue that makes it possible to follow the story like that. It sounds more like you are listening to a mtv music video.

That being said though, it was a sympathetic look at Marie Antoinette portrayed as young and being trapped into a life not of her choosing. I suppose we can all relate to that on some level. As a child she was shipped out to the king, and stripped of everything (including her dog and underwear) as she could only bring in things that belonged to the foreign court she was going to in the ceremony.

All in all though, I would give it something like a t2.5 out f 5 stars.

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