Friday, June 16, 2006

Father's Day-New Suck Day

Not because it's father's day mind you. I am actually going to really enjoy the very first holiday that I don't have to be counted on as simply transportation for someone BA wants to attend the event, but could Fing care less about transporting them herself. It always started with "I know your dog is dying, but your dad will be so that you've agreed can you transport my father to the event" (cause that's all we really cared about in the first place).

So now that's all over, and it's just another long weekend that clients don't want to train their dogs, and corporate clients give my husband the day off because they want to do the long father's day weekend. So although almost noone I know does any special "fathers day" thing, we all end up getting a guaranteed long weekend. For other folks, this weekend always seems to include their dogs, so no boarders. Not that my job is such a hard job, it's just nice to get a break every now and again LOL.

However, this weekend has not started off well. First two friends of ours baby came six weeks early. That was not the bad part. Some specialist came to examine the baby, and said preliminarily that their child probably has downs sydrome. I am still out on what the "specialist" has said having been on the receiving end of too many "expert" opinions. Okay, Mrs. Grace did eventually die, but not of anything she was first off diagnosed with. Course I guess that means diddly when the end result is all the same. Any way, not that having a kid with downs syndrome is necessarily the end of the world, it's more the physical problems that come with any future mental disibality that are so frightening. And becoming so attached to someone so dependant on you, that will most likely die young due to complications. Any way, that was the unfortunate hand our friends have been dealt with. Really threw Robert for a loop. I am concerned but optomistic all around. I am first off hoping this "expert" was not a reliable expert. Then I am hoping that this kid although having a mental disability, may not be adversley affected by those more frightening physical impairments. This kid is going to be loved one way or another, of that, I have no doubt. No matter what, he is going to be the joy of their life. It's just a shame for Emily so young, and her first child to be dealt such an awesome responsiblity.

So as if that wasn't enough bad news for the day, Mr. Grace's hip went out. Poor Mr Grace. He just called me today, and I meant to call him back. Then Diane called, and it looks like he needs to go into surgery for it. Ugggghhhhhh.

To just bring things full circle, this weekend is a function weekend at our house for Robert's employees. Have a feeling I will be fielding most of that as the bad news continues with Mr Grace. I am pretty sure Robert is not going to feel in the entertaining mood tomorrow, and yet that's when he picked for this......soooooo. Sucky.

On a lesser and an "I don't care" note, my cousin Rich called today to say he was attending my dad's father's day celebration (the nerve) and could my cousin stop over. Course I am happy to have anyone over, just kind of floored that this is going on, since when my dog was dying my dad just couldn't live without me going, and now I am not talking to him.......well apparently he is able to honor himself at his own father's day party.

Good for him----fucking scumbag LOL. That's dad for ya. He's the best. Want him?

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