Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Years

Okay, my New Years resolutions have not gone so well in the past. In fact, it has seemed that if I want to completely not only not do something, but fail at it, I should be sure to make a New Year's resolution about it. My resolution this year is to make and keep my New Year's resolutions . Probably managing my medication well will help in that vein.

http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/DandelionSeeds/259501/ Another person's resolutions for 2007.

http://www.colleenpatrick.com/blog/2006/12/new-years-resolutions.html Another person's resolutions as their goals for 2007.

http://neohippy.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!CD6D31BE7405C6EF!2103.entry Analysis of a person's progress and journey in 2006.

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